Cat-Faced Spider And Red Ant Clash In Slow Motion

in , , , on September 5, 2024

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Stock Video ID #: 001000055

4K UHD slow motion stock video footage of a cat-faced spider ascending into frame, settling on a lavender plant, and clashing with a red ant.

The Story

I was lucky enough to spot this cat-faced spider lurking amongst the lavender bushes in my Mum’s garden. Immediately, I retrieved my newly acquired RED Epic-W and Zeiss 50mm Macro lens, and set up the camera to see what I could capture. Over the next day or two I proceeded to get some great footage for my stock archives, including this clip of the cat-faced spider being pushed around by a much smaller red ant. However, this particular spider didn’t seem too impressed to have me around, and stayed hidden most of the time… inevitably resulting in much hurry up, and wait.


North Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada

Additional Information

Camera Model / Sensor: RED Epic-W 8K S35 / Helium 8K S35
Lens: Zeiss CP.2 50mm Makro Cine Lens

Resolution: 3840×2160 – 4K UHD
Project Time Base / Record Frame Rate: 23.98 / 121 fps
Compression: REDcode 7:1

Output Format: DNxHR HQX 10-bit
Output Color Space: Rec.709 Gamma 2.4

Runtime: 00:41

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